Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council

The Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (INDIA) Council, commonly referred to as CBEIC, is a premier organization of business and industry in India. It was set up by a group of professional industrialists with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship and business growth in the country.

CBEIC’s membership consists of various corporate groups with business operations across India and abroad. Its constituents are mainly manufacturing units and service sectors, including SMEs and large corporations. The organization serves as a platform for its members to connect, share knowledge and expertise, and collaborate for mutual benefit. CBEIC plays an active role in advocating for policies and initiatives that promote the growth of the Indian economy. It engages with policymakers and industry stakeholders to voice its members’ concerns and suggest solutions. The organization also provides various services to its members, including business networking opportunities, research and analysis, and training and development programs.

CBEIC is committed to promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth in India. It works towards creating an environment that fosters innovation, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness. Through its initiatives, the organization aims to contribute to the development of a vibrant and dynamic Indian business landscape.