
285.00 700.00

About Product

  • Geolife No Virus is an organic viricide made with a unique combination of herbs.
  • It is a broad-spectrum viricide, which stops virus development in plant systems.
  • It acts rapidly to inhibit the proliferation of viral infections within plants. It fosters the emergence of robust new foliage.
  • It is key for saving crop loss due to Virus with 100 % Natural and Organic product.

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    Product Description

    About Product

    • Geolife No Virus is an organic viricide made with a unique combination of herbs.
    • It is a broad-spectrum viricide, which stops virus development in plant systems.
    • It acts rapidly to inhibit the proliferation of viral infections within plants. It fosters the emergence of robust new foliage.
    • It is key for saving crop loss due to Virus with 100 % Natural and Organic product.

    Geolife No Virus Technical Details

    • Technical Content:
      Ingredients Enterprise Specification
      Lantana camera extract 2.00 %
      Boerhavia diffusa extract 2.00 %
      Bougainvillea spectabilis extract 4.00 %
      Acorus calamus extract 2.00 %
      Aqueous solution 90.00 %
      Total 100%
    • Mode of Entry: This product has both contact and systemic action against viruses.
    • Mode of Action: The introduction of No Virus occurs through the stomatal opening, and it is then transported throughout the plant system via the vascular bundles. It stops viruses from entering plant cells by blocking their attachment or fusion. It does this by Interfering with the virus’s outer layer or the cell’s surface. It also interferes with the cell’s machinery that makes proteins, which the virus needs to multiply. It has antioxidants that fight damage caused by viruses. It also stops viruses from sticking to cells by blocking special proteins on the virus. This helps in the early stages of a viral infection.

    Key Features and Benefits

    • It is a Botanical Anti- Viral Product with Broad Spectrum Action.
    • It is effective to stop Virus infection in crops, hence No Virus works by encapsulating virions (infective particle of a virus) & stops it from spreading/multiplying.
    • It controls the further spread of Viral Infection and initiates new branches and leaves.
    • It helps plants to growth healthy and increase the yield of the crop.
    • Spraying Geolife No Virus in preventive application increases resistance against Viral infection.
    • It is effective against mosaic viruses, leaf curl disease, mottle virus, etc.
    • It is free from toxic chemicals and recommended for residue-free farming.

    Geolife No Virus Usage and Crops

    Recommended Crops: All Crops (Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Cereals & Pulses)
    Dosage: 3-5 ml /1 L of water & 600 – 1000 ml/ Acre

    Target Diseases

    • Chili Mosaic Virus
    • Squash Mosaic Virus
    • Cucumber Mosaic Virus
    • Tomato Leaf Curl Virus
    • Tomato New Delhi Virus
    • Tomato Mosaic Virus
    • Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus
    • Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
    • Papaya Mosaic Virus
    • Okra Mosaic Virus.

    Method of Application: Foliar Spray

    • Preventive Spray: No Virus 3 ml/lit + insecticide (To control insect vector). Repeat the spray at intervals of 10-15 days, minimum 3 sprays are required.
    • Curative Spray: No Virus 5 ml/lit + insecticide (To control insect vector) + Crop Nutrient (NPK, Micronutrient, plant growth promoters). Repeat the spray at intervals of 10-15 days, minimum 2-3 sprays are required.

    Note: For controlling viral disease in a curative way, the right nutrition management based on the requirement of the crop is equally important.

    Additional Information

    • During the initial infection stage, No Virus (Tomato & Cucurbit Special) shows effective resistance against viruses and improves the plant immunity for recovery.
    • Geolife No Virus (Tomato & Cucurbit Special) is free from toxic chemicals and recommended for residue-free farming.
    • Rates of application will vary depending on the severity of the deficiency, climate, soil type, and method of application
    • Geolife No Virus (Tomato & Cucurbit Special) is Compatible with all Agrochemicals.


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