

  • Glycel Herbicide is a systemic, broad spectrum, non-selective post emergent herbicide.
  • It is effective in controlling all weeds including annuals, perennials, grassy, broadleaf weeds and sedges.
  • Glycel Herbicide is a fast-acting herbicide that provides visible results within a few hours of application.
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    Product Description

    About Product

    • Glycel Herbicide is a systemic, broad spectrum, non-selective post emergent herbicide.
    • It is effective in controlling all weeds including annuals, perennials, grassy, broadleaf weeds and sedges.
    • Glycel Herbicide is a fast-acting herbicide that provides visible results within a few hours of application.

    Technical Details

    • Technical Content: Glyphosate 41% SL
    • Mode of Entry: Systemic
    • Mode of Action: Glycel Herbicide is a systemic herbicide and contains Glyphosate 41%. It is absorbed by the leaves and transported throughout the plant, including the roots. It works by inhibiting an enzyme called EPSP synthase, which is involved in the synthesis of amino acids. As a result, the plant cannot produce essential proteins and stops growing, eventually leading to death.

    Key Features and Benefits

    • Most widely used herbicide and has become an integral part of modern farming.
    • Widely used in non-crop areas, bunds, and water channels.
    • Also used in tea plantation to control various weeds.

    Usage and Crops

    • Recommended crops: Tea, Non cropped areas
    • Target Weeds: Arundinella bengalensis, Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrical, Kalm grass, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Polygonum perfoliatum, Soghum helepense , and other dicot & monocot weeds in general.
    • Dosage: 10-15 ml / lit. of water
    • Method of Application: Foliar Application

    Additional Information

    • This product cannot be shipped to Kerala, Punjab, and Andhra Pradesh Telangana.

    Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.


    1 ltr, 10 ltr, 20 ltr, 3 ltr, 5 ltr, 500 ml

    4 reviews for GLYCEL HERBICIDE

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